Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Conventional Wisdom

To be honest, I was not too sure what Conventional Wisdom (CV) meant, I now know that it refers to explanations or ideas that are generally accepted by the public, regardless of any evidence.  I think that this race portrays conventional wisdom when dealing with Jim Sensenbrenner.  Many uneducated voters who vote for an incumbent, only do so because they do not know much about the other candidates.  Also, they think that having more experience makes them the most qualified for the job.  I think that this is not always the case and that people should not only vote, but know who they are voting for.  The media's frame for this race, as opposed to the other races in the state of Wisconsin, does not seem to be very large.  Most of the media attention has been focused on Walker, Johnson, Barrett, and Feingold, and not Sensenbrenner, Kolosso, or Raymond.  The whole idea that it is difficult to get someone out of office, after having them been there for so long seems like a realistic problem, leaving many to just continue to vote for that person.   

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