Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Corporate Spending and Interest Groups

For any campaign, something that I find interesting is where candidates receive monetary donations.  I think where a candidate receives money from, gives voters an idea of who supports the individual, possibly having an impact on who they vote for.  The following statistics, taken from OpenSecrets.org, reflect both Jim Sensenbrenner's and Todd Kolosso's budgets.

F. James Sensenbrenner Jr (R) *

Raised: $375,670
Spent: $383,041
Cash on Hand: $398,981
Last Report:October 13, 2010
legend PAC contributions $203,389 (54%)
legend Individual contributions $171,080 (46%)
legend Candidate self-financing $0 (0%)
legend Other $1,201 (0%)

Todd P. Kolosso (D)

Raised: $174,580
Spent: $165,636
Cash on Hand: $14,367
Last Report:September 30, 2010
legend PAC contributions $0 (0%)
legend Individual contributions $18,931 (11%)
legend Candidate self-financing $155,648 (89%)
legend Other $1 (0%)

Overall, I am not surprised to see the Sensenbrenner has raised more money, and therefore has more to spend, since he is the incumbent.  Also, the difference in amount that each candidate received from PAC, shows that Sensenbrenner is supported more by his fellow party, most likely due to his long term in office.  In addition, Sensenbrenner's contributors include mostly large companies, such as Bose and American Banker's Association, which have the ability to give more monetary support.  Unfortunately, no funding information was found on Independent candidate Robert Raymond.  As for interest groups regarding this particular election, both the Republican and Democrat candidates are pro-life on the topic of abortion.  Therefore, if an individual was adamant about being pro-choice, that could be possible get the Independent candidate some votes.  However when trying to find information on Raymond regarding this topic, I found no results.

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