Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meet James Sensenbrenner (Republican, incumbent)

F. James Sensenbrenner currently represents the Fifth District.  Sensenbrenner moved to Wisconsin from Chicago when he was a young child.  After attending Stanford University for his undergraduate in political science, Sensenbrenner earned his law degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Sensenbrenner has held his current position since 1980, giving him 30 years of experience over his competitors.  Sensenbrenner is married and has two grown sons.
            I have yet to see a Sensenbrenner commercial; however, Sensenbrenner has gotten more publicity than both Raymond, and Kolosso combined.  On Sensenbrenner’s website there is a “Media Center” tab that makes it easy for any of his followers to track photos, news articles, and youtube videos that include Sensenbrenner himself.  In addition, Sensenbrenner is taking advantage of social networking sites, such as facebook to also keep others updated.  Something that I found interesting on Sensenbrenner’s website included a “Kids Page.”  Under this tab one would find links that connect to government websites about Wisconsin and fun facts.
            As far as spending is concerned, according to OpenSecrets.org on August 25, 2010, Sensenbrenner has spent $317,247 on his campaign.


  1. I think it's really interesting that he has a kids' page. Like you said in class, maybe this is to show people that he is "kid friendly"??? Also, I don't think he needs commercials because he is so well known. Plus his website seems to draw all the attention to him.

  2. surely being a strong incumbent will help in Sensenbrenner's campaign, since many of his constituents like what he's doing and he also uses the kid's page to gain favor from parents who would have voted democratically
