Robert R. Raymond is the Independent candidate for District Five’s House of Representatives. Robert R. Raymond has no experience in politics other than when he ran against incumbent Jim Sensenbrenner back in 2008. Raymond was born in Milwaukee and resides in Shorewood. He is currently divorced with two children. Raymond attended University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, but did not achieve a degree. Raymond ran his own roofing business located in Milwaukee , but after 25 years it had to be shut down. Raymond claims that finding competent workers was too difficult, and that he could not keep up with other companies who were hiring “illegal immigrants.” ( Raymond is currently employed by Bernhoff Law Firm, which is also located in Milwaukee .
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find information on candidate Raymond, and he is not even listed on many of the political websites, which feature both of his rivals. I was unable to find any information regarding spending, campaign strategies, as well as advertisements for Robert Raymond.
I don't know the roofing business, but I can attest from my own work experience that it really is difficult finding competent employees. I'm curious to know whether or not Raymond having already run for office in 2008 will have any positive effect on his results in the election.