Todd Kolosso is the Democrat candidate for District Five’s House of Representative position. Kolosso has strong community ties since he attended Slinger grade school, Marquette University High School , and then Marquette University College . While in college Kolosso received the privilege of studying abroad in both Germany , and Austria . He graduated Marquette College with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations. Kolosso’s professional life includes creating a commercial real estate management company, while also owning and operating a small retail apparel company in Arizona . Although Kolosso prides himself on the fact that he is a small businessman, working for other small business owners, he also finds time to be a board member at the Washington County Humane Society.
Different advertising strategies that Kolosso is using during this campaign include social networking. Kolosso has links for Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube on his official website, which allows one to see what he is working on, and be updated on the latest news. Kolosso also has a blog which posts different articles that he finds interesting; however, the blog has not been updated for a few weeks. In addition, Kolosso and District Five incumbent, Jim Sensenbrenner, held a debate located in Mequon just yesterday. Kolosso has pictures and video clips of the debate on his Facebook page.
After viewing Kolosso in two video clips and reading some comments, he seems to be very respectful of his other candidates. As far as advertisements such as commercials go, I have not seen anything on television or online. It seems like Kolosso is mostly trying to use social networking strategies to support his campaign.
According to, on August 25, 2010, the Kolosso campaign has spent $156,920 with 92% of his money being under the category of “candidate self financing.”
Most of the information regarding Todd Kolosso was found on his website: